How high is the dust load in the bedding?
Is the bedding susceptible to mold?
How well does the litter bind ammonia?
Straw pellets
If you are even more interested in handling straw pellets, you can read Anna's experience report here - she has been using the bedding for 7 years.
Linen straw
Ammonia binding is one of the advantages of elephant/Chinese grass. In addition, the contamination by germs and fungi is said to be very low. This bedding does not require much work and is not eaten by the horses - so it is also suitable for losing weight. The sticking point of this type of bedding? The often very high price.
Forest floor
Stall mats are very popular for horses with respiratory diseases because they do not produce dust and are easy to clean. However, it is important that stall mats are also covered with bedding so that the urine can be absorbed. However, this requires significantly less bedding than without mats. In combination with dust-free bedding, stall mats are a good choice for horses with coughs.